Monday, June 25, 2012

Germans sure do love their soccer!

I have experienced the ultimate German culture experience......watching a soccer game at the brew house! The place was so packed, it was standing room only! Lucky for me, some instrumentalists got there early (I was still in rehearsal) and I was able to snag a seat with them. The game was for the Euro Cup, and it was Germany vs. Greece. I think I picked a great game to attend, one because Germany won (4-1 final score) and two because there was a lot of action! Every time Germany scored very loud techno music would be played and everyone would start dancing! It was awesome! We had a table of probably 12-15 students, musicians and other kinds of interns, so during the second half Hans, the financial backer of our entire trip, came over to our table with a present....It didn't last long! This is good beer :)


Also at the brauhaus they have this delicacy.....Currywurst!!


Yes, I definitely split this with a friend....there is no way I could eat all that!! apparently on the first thursday night of every month the brauhaus has a party called "The After Work Party" and the place turns into a disco club.....don't worry I will attend and let you know what it's all about :)


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